Future Events

Suppression; A Non-Consensual Kink!

Details will be available soon!

Past Events 

Fear to Freedom

Date and Time: April 15, 2024 at 6:30 PM, PST

Location: Fort Mason Chapel, San Francisco, CA, USA

Description: An immersive experience with movement performance embodying women’s journey from fear of antifeminism to empowerment, unity, and freedom; Fear, Trust, Unity, Freedom! (This event was private)

Women, Life, Freedom

Date and Time: April 22, 2023 at 6;30 PM, PST 

Location: Minna St. Garden House, San Francisco, CA, USA

Description: Mannequin Art filled with light and music show recreating the sensation of suppression and desperation in an antifeminist society under a misogynist governance (This event was private).

Islamic Republic

Date and Time: Nov 10-14, 2023  

Location: Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA

Description: An interactive immersive experience highlighting patriarchy in Middle East in the form of Dark Humor (privately held during an art & music festival).